AbiWord is a free and open source software word processor written in C++. Since version 3 it is based on GTK+ 3. The name “AbiWord” is derived from the root of the Spanish word “abierto”, meaning “open”.
AbiWord is part of the AbiSource project which develops a number of office-related technologies.
AbiWord supports both basic word processing features such as lists, indents and character formats, and more sophisticated features including tables, styles, page headers and footers, footnotes, templates, multiple views, page columns, spell checking, and grammar checking. Starting with version 2.8.0, AbiWord includes a collaboration plugin that allows integration with AbiCollab.net, a Web-based service that permits multiple users to work on the same document in real time, in full synchronization. The Presentation view of AbiWord, which permits easy display of presentations created in AbiWord on “screen-sized” pages, is another feature not often found in word processors.

Alternative To: Microsoft Word
OS Supported: Windows, Linux
License Type: GNU General Public License
Site Link: http://www.abiword.com/
Download Page: http://www.abiword.com/download/

https://theopen.club/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/abiword-logo.pnghttps://theopen.club/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/abiword-logo-150x150.pngtheOPEN.clubWord ProcessorsAbiword,Free Word Processor,Microsoft Word,Open Source Word Processor,Word ProcessorAbiWord is a free and open source software word processor written in C++. Since version 3 it is based on GTK+ 3. The name 'AbiWord' is derived from the root of the Spanish word 'abierto', meaning 'open'. AbiWord is part of the AbiSource project which develops a number of office-related...One stop destination for open/free softwares, games and discussion